3042-黄花梨长方型匣子Huanghuali box

评估价:CAD 5,000-6,000  起拍价CAD 2,300

Estimate: CAD 5,000-6,000. Start CAD 2,300

Sold in Auction: CAD 4100


A rectangular Huanghuali box, 17th century, 32 cm in length, 19.5 cm in width, 16 cm in height. The wood grain is exquisite, and the patina is radiant. Huanghuali, scientifically known as Dalbergia odorifera, originates from Hainan Island. It has a strong sour fragrance, does not attract insects, and possesses sedative and blood pressure-lowering medicinal effects. Coupled with its beautiful texture and warm tone, it was favored by the Ming and Qing dynasties’ courts and wealthy merchants. Huanghuali items were mostly crafted by skilled artisans from the Jiangnan area, with solid construction and a perfect balance between simplicity and complexity. It is recognized by collectors both domestically and internationally as the pinnacle in the history of furniture. By the mid-Qing dynasty, the material was over-harvested. Nowadays, genuine Huanghuali wood is occasionally found on the island, valued more than gold.

黄花梨长方型匣子,17世纪,32公分长,19.5公分宽,16公分高。木纹华美, 包浆灿然。黄花梨学名降香黄檀,产于海南岛,有强烈的酸香味,不招虫蚁,有镇定降压药用功效,加之纹理华美,色调温磬,为明晚宫廷及达官巨贾所喜爱,黄花梨器物大都为江南巧匠匠制作,结构坚实,造型简繁得度,被中外收藏家公认为家具世界家具史上的巅峰。清中期材料被采伐一空。现在真正黄花梨材料岛上偶有所得,价值贵比黄金。


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