

$5,000.00 $4,000.00

“A Qing dynasty Hetian white jade cicada pendant, measuring 4 centimeters in length and weighing 15.1 grams. The material is top-grade, lustrous white jade, fashioned in a simple design. One wing is slightly longer, suggesting a reluctance to reduce the volume of the original jade piece, with the shape being determined by the natural form of the raw stone. This results in the cicada having a somewhat parallelogram shape, which is quite innovative. Its minimalist style bears resemblance to the Han dynasty Kunwu knives, yet its plump and rounded body, especially the eyes, are in line with the realism and sweetness admired from the Song to Qing dynasties. The cicada, active in summer forests and metamorphosing underground in winter before re-emerging in spring, symbolizes eternal life. Ancient people wore jade cicadas for disaster aversion, evil warding, and to express the wish for immortality. The energy and power of such a pendant are subject to personal belief. This finely crafted and high-quality cicada pendant is indeed a rare treasure.”


和田羊脂白玉鸣蝉佩,清代。4公分长,15.1克。材料一级白润,造型简约,一只翅膀略长,应该是不舍修饰消减这件白玉籽的体量,参照他的原石之型而就料砣制。故此蝉之型体略呈平行四边形,格外别出心裁。简约的风格有汉代昆吾刀的影子,然其鼓起而圆润的身体,尤其是眼睛👀,根本就是宋至清盛世所崇尚的写实和甜美可爱。蝉是夏日活跃山林间,冬季入土为蛹,春天破土重生再为蝉,是神奇的永生生物。古人佩戴玉蝉,是为档灾辟邪,祈愿长生不老,其能量和功力,信者自有体验。 这种好工好料的鸣蝉佩,不愧希世之珍。


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