
“A meticulously carved Maitreya Buddha from natural rock crystal, not glass. The crystal is completely pure, devoid of any impurities or stone patterns, only identifiable as natural under high magnification. The crystal radiates a brilliant, sparkling light under illumination. The Maitreya Buddha, with hands resting on knees, chest and belly exposed, sits in a full-lotus position, always smiling with eyebrows curved like crescent moons, embodying a serene and joyous demeanor. The facial features are typical of the mid-Qing dynasty style. Historically, crystal was known as ‘water jade’ or ‘aquamarine’, with such flawless pieces being exceedingly precious. In Buddhist texts, crystal is listed as one of the four great treasures, believed to have the power to save all beings and ward off evil. The statue measures approximately 8 cm in height, 8 cm in width at the base, and weighs around 190 grams.”


天然水晶(rock crystal 非玻璃水晶)雕弥勒佛,通体无一丝杂质,无一星半点石纹,唯有在高倍放大镜下能分辩出是天然材质。灯下光芒四射,晶莹璀璨。弥勒佛两手置膝上,袒胸露腹,全伽趺坐,笑口常开,眉弯如月,一副云淡风轻,万事悠然的喜悦相。开脸是典型清代中期特征。水晶古称水玉或水碧,其中皎洁无暇者极为珍贵。佛经中水晶被列为四大宝崐藏之一,有普度众生,驱邪避害的法力。高八公分左右,底宽8公分左右,重约190克。


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