
“Gilt Silver-Inlaid Meteorite Iron Tsuba, with the ‘Touyou’ gilt mark. The tsuba is shaped like a wine jar, featuring a crane spreading its wings on one side and a small turtle lifting its foot on the other. Above them, clouds lightly drift, adding a dynamic sense to both the crane and the turtle. The edges of the tsuba are bordered with silver, while the interior background is lined with gold, creating a uniquely ingenious and whimsically delightful design, splendid and radiant. The details are vividly imagined, symbolizing longevity and a thousand years of life, as represented by the crane and turtle. This tsuba, from the Edo period or earlier (the Touyou were a samurai noble family starting from the 13th century, with a nearly thousand-year history of famous swords and craftsmen), represents one of the finest examples of Japanese metalwork over a millennium.”


错金包银镔铁刀镡,“东乡”错金款,刀镡形状如酒瓮,一面仙鹤展翅欲飞,一面小龟举足前行,高处云彩谈谈,龟鹤各各动感十足,刀镡侧面以白银包边,内空则以黄金为衬,整体设计别具匠心,妙趣横生,华丽灿然。细节处则活灵活想,龟鹤千年,人生长寿,这件Edo 或更早年代(东乡是13世纪开始的武士华族,近千年来名刀名匠也层出不穷)的刀镡,是东瀛金工千年金工的最杰出代表之一。


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