
“Vivid peonies swaying gracefully, butterflies fluttering in dance, and a peacock with a captivating gaze, all set against rugged, towering rocks – these are the masterful strokes of Chen Laolian reimagined. The shape, reminiscent of the stunning beauty of Aro, and the firm, pure, and lustrous quality of the jade-like porcelain body. This Sacrificial Blue Glaze Openwork Polychrome General’s Jar is a crystallization of superb craftsmanship and artistic charm from three centuries ago.”


摇曳多姿的牡丹,翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,顾盼生辉的孔雀 嶙峋峭立的洞石 分明是陈老莲的妙笔再现 阿罗多姿美人的型,坚洁白润玉一样的胎质,祭蓝釉开光五彩将军罐 ,三百年前超卓工艺和美术趣味的结晶。


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